
The process of adding layers to existing buildings to increase their aesthetic and financial value.


Maximizing the value of our clients’ assets

Densifying buildings is a win-win. It increases the returns on existing buildings, which can be reinvested in more extensive projects like façade renovations and systems upgrades. The result is a virtuous circle that drastically increases a building's resale value.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, people reevaluated their concept of home. Lockdowns underscored the importance of adaptable living spaces for physical and mental well-being. The demand for outdoor spaces grew, even in older apartments. Outdated designs can be revitalized with innovative solutions instead of demolition or displacement

We find opportunities for our clients to extend their buildings profitably. We start with a pre-study that sets out a long-term renovation plan for a building and outlines its cost. Then, we find the most cost-effective ways to add a leasable floor area that covers the cost of itself and the renovations.

Extending the Façade - Adding Balconies

Our first approach focuses on adding new balconies as an extension of the existing façade. This transformation is particularly significant in tall existing buildings where the current fire safety routes may no longer comply with current legislation. We seize this opportunity to extend the balconies and provide additional space for residents, enhancing the quality of living. This approach encompasses accommodating a diverse range of uses and needs while combining function with aesthetics.

Vertical Extension - Adding Extra Floors

Another dimension of our densification strategy involves expanding the building vertically. By adding new floors to existing structures, we maximize available space within the same plot. This approach ensures a more efficient use of urban land, creating additional living spaces right in the heart of the city.

Sun Studies and Optimal Solutions

Our office possesses the expertise to conduct comprehensive sun studies, thoroughly assessing the impact on existing buildings and their surroundings. We use this data to craft optimal solutions. Regardless of the direction or budget, our goal remains consistent: to elevate the building's aesthetics, functionality, and overall appeal. We are dedicated to creating spaces that integrate effectively with their environment, ensuring an improved and sustainable result for the property and its residents.

shadow study for project of full-building renovation; building extension

Saint Georges - Knokke-Heist

shadow study for project of full-building renovation; building extension

Our clients for our Saint George project, a building with 80 apartments needed a full shell renovation and systems upgrade but could not dip into the bottom line to fund it. We conducted a cost-benefit analysis and determined that a two-floor addition would generate enough profit to pay for itself and the full-building renovation. Since it uses a timber structure, the expansion is light enough to build without adding reinforcement to the existing structure, making it financially feasible.

The profits from the new penthouses offset the cost of the much-needed façade replacement, roof repair, and HVAC systems sustainability upgrade. We also conducted solar studies that maximize daylighting and views in the existing building, lowering energy costs and enhancing the inhabitants experience.

shadow study for project of full-building renovation; building extension
shadow study for project of full-building renovation; building extension

Saint Georges - Knokke-Heist

shadow study for project of full-building renovation; building extension


5 densification renovation steps: survey structure tests selection of extention types installation of secondary structure construction of extensions


  • Secondary structure

    • Steel additions

    • Wood additions

  • Penthouses

  • Flexible extensions

integral elements of densification renovation: secondary structure penthouses flexible extensions

Strategy 1: Shell

The multiple phased exterior renovation includes repair and insulation of structural elements, as well as a material selection process based on durability, functionality and aesthetics. Read more

Strategy 2: Integration

Denser cities require higher quality open spaces which include a building’s direct context and its landscaping, mobility, accessibility and fire safety aspects. Read more

Strategy 3: Installation

A view into the building’s internal systems and their upgrade to contemporary demands in terms of functionality, energy efficiency standards and safety regulations. Read more

Strategy 4: Densification

The process of adding layers to existing buildings to increase their aesthetic and financial value, simultaneously densifying the urban context without occupying valuable ground space. Read more

Renovation masterplan - case study

Showcasing our latest case study to illustrate our expertise and approach in developing renovation plans for high-rise buildings. Read more

Renovation leads to more possibilities

We find opportunities to add privately owned public space in routine projects like building repairs, restoration, and waterproofing that drive value for our building owners. With creative programming and design, we leverage the full potential of overlooked urban spaces, like courtyards in perimeter blocks or the areas surrounding buildings, to make sites more desirable and valuable. Read more

Why redevelopment?

A building is never truly finished; it can always be re-adapted and transformed to take upon a new form or function. Recycling architecture has been a common practice throughout history, and in many cases, it has led to the preservation of a large part of our current cultural heritage. Read more

The story behind redevelop belgium

It takes 65 years for a new energy efficient building to save the amount of energy that an adaptive reuse project does. Redevelop is a strategic design firm that develops and implements sustainable strategies to develop post-war buildings for contemporary use. Read more



+32 24 30 24 17

de Stassartstraat 117, 1050 Brussels
