About us


redevelop belgium is led by a team of engineers and architects with strong expertise in renovation of buildings from the mid-twentieth century. Building on more than 30 years of experience in this field, we strive to deliver effective, elegant and affordable solutions to our clients. Our competencies cover 6 key areas: concrete repair, waterproofing, insulation and energy efficiency, façade renovation, fire security enhancement and building extension.

redevelop belgium circular workflow: façade renovation, fire security enhancement, building extension, concrete repair, waterproofing, insulation and energy efficiency

We work on a mission to create a resilient society through architectural redevelopment which would withstand the test of time and benefit future generations.

Our offices are based in Brussels.


redevelop belgium




Joris De Baes


Veronika Paralova

architect engineer

Thummatron Sriyam

architect engineer

Carolina Vicente


Charles Weinberg


Camille Leung

office manager

Yolente Van Brussel

architect engineer

Shai Ben-Ami



T +32 24 30 24 17

de Stassartstraat 117

1050 Brussel


Enterprise number BE 0757 982 645

Member of the Belgian Order of Architects, nr B910320

More information: www.architect.be

Legal information & Privacy Statement

Our partner office :  De Baes Architects BV





+32 24 30 24 17

de Stassartstraat 117, 1050 Brussels
